[pptp-server] Re: POPTOP and SAMBA... IT WORKS!

Jonathan Finnecy jfinnecy at merical.com
Tue Oct 12 13:09:02 CDT 1999

WOO HOO it works!

You guys will never believe this (well, actually you probably will).  This 
laptop belongs to the president of the company.  And he likes to use 
AOL.  I decided to test out the direct-dialin PPP connection, and it was 
failing also.  So I removed the AOL Adapter and the direct dial-in PPP 
suddenly worked again and, even better, the VPN connection now works with 
samba no problem.

Moral of the story:  AOL Sucks.

Now, in case he wants his AOL back, does anyone have any idea why the AOL 
adapter would be interfering with other connections that theoretically 
shouldn't even be looking at the AOL stuff?  "TCP/IP->AOL" was set to be 
the default protocol... is this the real culprit?


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