[pptp-server] win2k, pptpd 1.1.2, pppd 2.4.0 and Linux 2.4.2

Tom Eastep teastep at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Sun Apr 1 14:22:35 CDT 2001


Thus spoke Gill, Vern:

> For what it's worth to all of you, I have successfully connected to
> pptpd-1.1.2/pppd-2.4.0 from w2ksp1. This is right across my lan, but
> that shouldn't matter. If anyone wants to try connecting to my system
> from a w2k client, let me know and I will set an acct. for you...

The reported problems with the combination cited in the subject isn't that
a connection can't be established but rather with the inability to pass
traffic once the connection has been made. Are you reporting that you were
able to actually use this connection to pass traffic?

Tom Eastep             \ Alt Email: tom at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
ICQ #60745924           \ Websites: http://seawall.sourceforge.net
teastep at evergo.net       \          http://seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Shoreline, Washington USA \         http://shorewall.sourceforge.net

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