[pptp-server] Website and download locations

Michael Walter walterm at Gliatech.com
Tue Apr 3 08:50:24 CDT 2001

Hello All,
I have recently run into a need to rebuild my firewall/vpn (up for two years
now, thanks for a great and stable vpn solution).  I will be using the 2.4.2
kernel(custom build).  First I recall from lurking on this list for the past
two years that the website for the most recent poptop implementations had
changed.  Can someone please supply me the current address?  Second, are
there any gotcha's or issues that I need to be aware of in working with
poptop on this kernel.  Finally, whenever I do a build like this it is
necessary for me to document the build such that someone with no linux
experience can repeat the build (in case I leave the company ;) ).  Last
time I did this, I submitted to this group and some information was added to
the Redhat howto.  I'll gladly submit my instructions to the group, and
redhat howto maintainer again if there is a need.  


Michael J. Walter 
rhce mcdba mcse+i a+ 
Network Administrator 
Gliatech, Inc. 
23420 Commerce Park Rd. 
Beachwood, Ohio 44122 
Tel: (216) 831-3200 
Email: walterm at gliatech.com 


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