[pptp-server] pptp + freebsd

John Heyer john at snake.supranet.net
Thu Sep 13 15:29:43 CDT 2001

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Tom Hallberg wrote:

> Hi
> I got some big problems using freebsd as pptp client, my windows 2k manage
> it easy but not my freebsd.. so have anyone manage to put up an pptp client
> with freebsd? if so can I have a look on yours options file and so on? or
> tell me if there is any specieal security things that maybe stops a client
> on freebsd to use pptp...
> thanx
> /Tom

Basic steps are:

1) Install pptpclient from packages
2) Add a label to /etc/ppp/ppp.conf (see /usr/local/share/examples/pptpclient)
3) Run pptp <PPTP server> <PPP label>

It's not great but I was able to get it working.  There's no encryption,
and I had to reboot if the connection got interrupted for any reason.

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