[pptp-server] newbie

Francesco lists at colliniconsulting.it
Sun Feb 24 03:54:40 CST 2002


Since yesterday afternoon i have been using PopTop as pptp server on a linux
2.2.19 redhat 6.2 box.

I would like to ask you a few question:

is ppp-2.3.11 (plus ms-chap2 patches) the latest version to use with kernel
2.2.19 which has got the related ms-chap2 patches?

i had some problems with kernel 2.2.20; in fact, the ./kinstall.sh script
did not overwrite the ppp-kernel-sources because they were out of date. Do
you know of some patches for the 2.2.20 to make poptop works under it?

Thank you in advance for your interest, best regards!

Francesco Collini
(from Italy)

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