[pptp-server] PopRop Problem

George R. Kasica georgek at netwrx1.com
Wed Sep 22 09:44:52 CDT 1999


Well, I've got pptpd working well here, with a small problem.....I
still seem to send all data down the "normal" channel be it dialup or
ethernet connect rather than everything over the VPN....this causes
the problem that I still appear to come to the ISPs news server from
"outside" they network....how to I accomplish the following (the
Client is WIN98 Server with pptpd on it Linux 2.2.5) IP Addresses are

Client					Server	-----  VPN ------------ --------- INTERNET--------->

I'm getting the VPN Adapter assigned the IP address above yet the
traffic when trace routed seems to go through the 'Net rather than
routing through the Server hence the problem with appearing from
"outside" the net.

Any suggestions, and please keep it simple and as clear as possible.


===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 414 513 8503
President                       +1 800 520 4873 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.          Waukesha, WI USA 
georgek at netwrx1.com
ICQ #12862186

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