[pptp-server] patch - fix

Patrick Reid P.J.Reid at earthling.net
Wed Aug 2 08:05:53 CDT 2000

Use your chap-secrets file. The fields are

remotemachine  localmachine  password  remoteIP
localmachine  remotemachine  drowssap  localIP

Most people use
remotemachine * password *
* remotemachine password *

but they don't have to.

Patrick Reid - mailto:P.J.Reid at earthling.net

-----Original Message-----
From: pptp-server-admin at lists.schulte.org
[mailto:pptp-server-admin at lists.schulte.org]On Behalf Of Leif Larsson
Sent: August 2, 2000 9:33 AM
To: 'pptp-server at lists.schulte.org'
Subject: [pptp-server] patch - fix

Hello everyone,

I saw some days ago that someone had a patch or fix/script 
to solve (more or less) this problem:

I want to assign adresses (both local and remote) depending on 
who is calling.

I have read a lot about pppd but i can see a solution that 
assigns both remote and local ip depending on username.

Any help would be aapreciated

L3 System
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