[pptp-server] PPTP linux client with PoPToP

Gareth Marlow Gareth_Marlow at scientia.com
Wed Aug 9 03:34:57 CDT 2000

On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 09:00:45AM +0200, Alaa Alamood wrote:
> 1- get a copy of linux pptp client


> 2- install ppp with mschap 128 bit supported


> 3- Client configuration

<snip> Done

>      - Manul connection (just for test resone)
>             - pptp  PPTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS name YOUR_USER_NAME remotename
>             - route add -host PPTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS  gw


>      - check you connections is made
>             ps -ef |grep pptp

I get the 3 processes: the call manager, the GRE gateway and the ppp1
process which is invoked. 

I get a successful connect message in /var/log/messages showing that the
correct IP addresses have been allocated and MPPE 128 bit compression is
being used.

It all looks fine.

BUT when I try to ping, traceroute or telnet to anything through the link
I'm unsuccessful.

The proxyarp stuff is working at the server end for 95/98/2000 clients so
I don't think that's the problem. I can tear down the link and connect
with 98 with the same username and password no problem.

One thing I did notice is that when I bring down this PPTP connection,
there is a very large number of bytes logged as transferred on the client
side - 10MB in a couple of minutes (this is obviously an error as the
modem cannot sustain that transfer rate.

I even tried rolling back to ppp-2.3.8 on the client to see if that would
help but it hasn't.

I'm on the verge of giving up on pptp for linux-linux VPN unless someone
can help me :(


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