FW: [pptp-server] Kernel 2.2.16-12 and inability to get PPTP work ing

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Fri Aug 11 07:26:06 CDT 2000

>I am forwarding this to the group for information purposes......  for those
>of you running the linux beta(pinstripe).
>>I worked with this release as well, vpn masq'ing while indeed being present
>>in the kernel has not been applied correctly and simply doesn't work.  You
>>will still have to download and build your own kernel if you want to masq
>>vpn traffic.

Please contact Red Hat if you haven't already done so.  Then they can fix it for
the final release and save us all from this headache.  I've contacted them about
other issues and found them very responsive,  and this release is looking like
it will be a big step forward for enterprise Linux.

Systems and Network Administrator
Morrison Industries
1825 Monroe Ave NW.
Grand Rapids, MI. 49505

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