FW: [pptp-server] Help Me

Cowles, Steve Steve.Cowles at gte.net
Tue Aug 22 00:45:31 CDT 2000

Sorry for responding to my own post, but the link I referenced below has a
type-o. It should be http://seawall.sourceforge.net 

Steve Cowles

> FWIW: You might want to check-out http://seawall.soruceforge.net 
> Seawall will execute the appropriate proto/port ipchain rules for
> Poptop connections for both local PPTP servers running on a 
> firewall and masq'd PPTP servers behind a firewall. Seawall is also
> very well documented and executes a stronger set of firewall rules
> along with running the appropiate ipfwd and ipmasqadm commands by
> simply editing a configuration file. This is what I use!!

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