[pptp-server] Can't Find PDC ?!?

Cowles, Steve Steve.Cowles at gte.net
Wed Aug 23 10:56:50 CDT 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Timothy Findlay [mailto:tfindlay at prodevelop.com.au]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 9:21 AM
> To: pptp-server at lists.schulte.org
> Subject: [pptp-server] Can't Find PDC ?!?
> Hi,
> I know theres lots of other messages out there about this 
> sorta one, so I'll keep it brief. I'm aiming for :
> Win98 -----"Internet"----> Linux Firewall + pptp -------"Private
> Network"-----> NT PDC
> I've got 2 NIC's in the Linux box, one with a real IP and one with a
> private thingo, and it logs in ok, and I can ping around the 
> network, I can web-browse around our internal network, but I cant 
> browse, and when I try to connect directly like going Start->Run
> and entering \\machine_name\ to get a list of shares it kinda blinks
> back and forth for a bit can comes up with a box asking me for a
> password for the \\machine_name\$IPC thing.
> As I know it, this mean I havent logged into the PDC.

Without a WINS server on your local LAN, authenticating to a PDC (over a
VPN) is next to impossible unless your willing to create a LMHOSTS file that
contains the PDC entry. i.e. the 1Ch record. To understand why... read some
of my previous posts on this subject.

Based on your ppppd connection log file shown in this post, the "ms-wins"
option was set to 
1) Is there an active WINS server running at this address?
2) Does this WINS servers database contain the 1Ch record for the MS Domain
that you are trying to authenticate against? Should point to the PDC's ip
3) Is the client PC that has established the VPN configured to authenticate
against this MS Domain?

Steve Cowles 

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