[pptp-server] Strange Daemon Process

Frost frost at engen.com
Mon May 1 11:36:24 CDT 2000

When the PoPToP server is listening, a "ps -ef |grep pp" shows the following
info about the server:

root       753     1  0 Apr30 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/pptpd -d

This holds true until more than one one connection is made to the server and
then the resulting ps command shows this:

root       753     1  0 09:14 ?        00:00:00 [pptpd]

Does anyone have any ideas what's going on.  After running all weekend, my two
inbound vpn connections were down and I had about 12 of the [pptpd] processes
showing with ps command.  Anybody see this before?


Harv Frost                     En.gen (a Division of J. River, Inc.)
mailto:frost at engen.com         2727 W. Baseline Rd #13
http://www.engen.com           Tempe, AZ 85283
ftp://ftp.engen.com            Tel: 602-438-1110

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