[pptp-server] Encrytpion problem on Windows 98 SE

Andrew Useckas andrew at skyrunner.net
Tue May 23 15:56:15 CDT 2000


  I've been trying to get encryption from a Windows 98 SE box (client) to the
pptpd machine running SuSE Linux 6.4. I've tried everything in the howto's,
readme's, etc. with no luck. I wonder if somebody here could help me out with
this problem...

  Attached you will find the log of one session...

Andrew Useckas
Network Administrator
NewEraCom, LLC
5 Ravenscroft Drive,
Asheville, NC 28801
Tel.: (828) 258-8562x106
      (800) 908-9857
Fax:  (828) 253-3334
WWW:  www.skyrunner.net
Email:andrew at skyrunner.net

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