[pptp-server] Linx PPTP -> Cisco VPN Adaptor

Timothy Findlay tfindlay at prodevelop.com.au
Sun Sep 10 06:22:32 CDT 2000

I believe it's a 1750 of sorts, I'm assuming we could setup a VPN-decoding
type thing on our router here in melbourne which is a Cisco 2611, but I'm
really pushing to keep a linux server or two in the office!

I've heard IPSec is actually better than PPTOP, but it's a _REAL_ pain in the
arse to setup, is this sorta true ?!? should I attempt it ??


"Charles C. Duffy" wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 09:40:26AM +1000, Timothy Findlay wrote:
> > I setup PPTP on a Linux Internet gateway at work a few weeks ago, and
> > all has been great, people are been authenticating against the PDC and
> > all which is great, but now were opening a new little office overseas,
> > and I just found out they've brought  a 17xx Cisco router, which they
> > want to use to connect to the VPN, as it's overseas there some other
> > cluey dude on the other end to setup the cisco, but what do I need to do
> > to my Linux box, can it do it ?!?!?
> Depends on the Cisco.
> One option would be to use CIPE (available as part of the International
> Kernel Patch, kerneli.org), or better (if the Cisco supports it) IPsec.

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