[pptp-server] Problems after IP-Change

Marcus Rapp marcus.rapp at twest.com
Wed Sep 27 10:02:00 CDT 2000


we are using PopTop succesfully for about half a year now in our
but since we moved and have another internal ip for the vpn-gateway (in
another subnet) we have problems.
I configured the new ip on the machine and the machine can connect
everywhere perfectly.

the problem is:

we can still log into VPN successfully with all the clients that were
working before, but the can't connect to our LAN.
If I try to ping or telnet somewhere into our LAN i get the following in
syslog :

Sep 28 16:27:49 vpngate pppd[6612]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x9b 79 bd 09
5d ea 04 20 c7 da 7e b3 82 90 c5 db ad 1f 92 57 16 b3 f3 0b fe a8 23 a7
88 a8 c0 ae 21 a0 ab 56 70 79 5c 9e b5 36 7e 39 65 6a ac]
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: rcvd [proto=0xced2] fd 20 e4 75 ac
35 f3 66 88 4f 3b 14 0b e7 33 7f 94 a2 22 ba c1 69 ce b3 d7 e3 4c 8b d9
7f 73 f6 ...
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: Unsupported protocol (0xced2)
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x9c ce d2 fd
20 e4 75 ac 35 f3 66 88 4f 3b 14 0b e7 33 7f 94 a2 22 ba c1 69 ce b3 d7
e3 4c 8b d9 7f 73 f6 cd 83 88 89 df 36 fa 83 ad 60 49 c4]
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: rcvd [proto=0xd8d5] b9 63 47 1d 25
18 a8 b0 0a a6 cb a7 e2 67 03 6d 30 02 c4 e8 4c 74 b6 bb 5d 30 a7 48 d9
3b e3 a8 ...
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: Unsupported protocol (0xd8d5)
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x9d d8 d5 b9
63 47 1d 25 18 a8 b0 0a a6 cb a7 e2 67 03 6d 30 02 c4 e8 4c 74 b6 bb 5d
30 a7 48 d9 3b e3 a8 9b 21 a4 7c 65 58 91 a1 54 ff 9f 9d]
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: rcvd [proto=0x3233] db 61 a2 f4 e9
a8 2c b4 10 30 f0 c3 a9 0e 61 fe 3d b3 81 ee 62 97 c5 c7 cf fb 66 92 54
13 17 71 ...
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: Unsupported protocol (0x3233)
Sep 28 16:27:50 vpngate pppd[6612]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x9e 32 33 db
61 a2 f4 e9 a8 2c b4 10 30 f0 c3 a9 0e 61 fe 3d b3 81 ee 62 97 c5 c7 cf
fb 66 92 54 13 17 71 36 25 f8 fe 4a cf 95 03 9a 7f 5b e7 33 7f 00 23 48
f2 44 a4 e6 17 6e 38 fe 94 90 9f]

I checked all the modules are loaded correctly (if not logging in should
not work) and i really can't tell what the problem could be ?

can anyone help ?


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