[pptp-server] ADMINISTRIVIA: test search engine for list archives

Christopher Schulte christopher at schulte.org
Wed Apr 4 01:34:14 CDT 2001

I've got a test search engine in place for the list archives.  It might be 
rough, broken or whatever.  If some of you could try it out, that'd be 
great.  If it's something useful, I'll make sure it's added to the list 
info, and webpage.  I'll probably also rm the entire message base, 
regenerate archive messages, and create a custom 404 ErrorDocument for 
search engine hits which tells them to look at the search page.


I have it updating the search database @ 12am daily, as such:

# daily htdig and clean log accesses from it
0 0 * * * /opt/www/htdig/bin/rundig 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
0 1 * * * /usr/local/apache/logs/remove-htdig.sh 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

General feedback is welcome, but I can't promise a response or 
implementation of new features. ;p


Christopher Schulte
Finger for PGP key, or for UNIX impaired:

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