[pptp-server] PPTPd with Samba on kernel 2.4.2-2 RH71 IP routing issue

Josh Howlett Josh.Howlett at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Jul 3 02:37:36 CDT 2001

Can you post your routing table ("route") and your arp table ("arp") ?


Josh Howlett, Network Supervisor,
Networking & Digital Communications,
Information Systems & Computing,
University of Bristol, U.K.
0117 928 7850 | josh.howlett at bris.ac.uk

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Chris Coulthurst wrote:

> I would appreciate any help from anyone who has a clue of what to do to
> make this thing work for me.  Here is my setup:
> RH 7.1 virgin install with ppp-2.4.0-2 RPM
> PPTP version 1.0.1
> A full Class-C of internet addressable IPs (/24 if you will)
> Samba 2.0.7 (yes, the redhat included one, hope this okay)
> The Samba setup aside for the moment, I have configured pptpd.conf,
> chap-secrets, and options to allow me to "at least" log in from a
> win98SE client.  I gave static addresses in the chap-secrets to
> hopefully simplify troubleshooting.
> Here's the deal:  I can ping the VPN client on my home cable
> modem-connected windows client once the VPN is established, and I can
> ping the VPN server (although it doesn't appear to run through the
> tunnel, it just goes out the default route from @home.  I cannot,
> however, ping any other VPN-connected computers from the windows
> client.  I can ping everything from inside the linux box VPN server
> though.
> Is this a routing issue?  Is it an IP forwarding issue?
> I am not using the MSCHAP2 patches yet, since I just wanted to see that
> this could be done reliably.  Once I get past this hurdle I have to
> figure out how to get Samba to be the master browser for the workgroup.
> Any ideas from anywhere?
> Thanks.
> Chris Coulthurst
> chris at shuksan.com
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