[pptp-server] network-to-network

Tom Eastep teastep at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Fri Jul 6 11:46:36 CDT 2001

On Friday 06 July 2001 09:41 am, Martin Leonard wrote:
> Tom,
> Thanks, but I forgot to mention that I have numerous user out in the field
> that dial-in to the VPN to access the network. This would make FreeS/WAN &
> IPSEC more troublesome to implement.  I was looking for a solution that
> would not mean reconfiguring remote users.

I personally use both PPTP and FreeS/WAN -- IPSEC is a PITA for RoadWarrior 
access so for that I use PPTP; for bridging our two networks, we use IPSEC.

Tom Eastep          \  tom at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
ICQ #60745924        \ http://seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Shoreline, Washington \__________________________________________

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