[pptp-server] Passing Authentication

Justin Kreger lists at earthling.2y.net
Thu Jul 12 18:48:37 CDT 2001

It can be written, it will just take somebody with time to do it.  Right
now, were getting less and less requests for pptp style vpns, and were
doing more and more ipsec stuff.

The skinny of it is that MSCHAPv2 is really NTLMv2, but over a modem.  It
is possible to do, but who really wants to spend the time and effort
writing the necessary code?

Justin Kreger, MCP MCSE CCNA
jkreger at earthling.2y.net jwkreger at uncg.edu justin at wss.net

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Jamin Collins wrote:

> michael_scholl at ctsius.com [mailto:michael_scholl at ctsius.com] wrote:
> > Is there a way for PPTP server to pass the authentication of 
> > username and password to a NT server?
> This is one of the most frequent questions that gets asked of this list.
> TMK, the answer is still no.  There appear to be quite a few logistical
> problems in doing so.  
> Jamin W. Collins
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