[pptp-server] pptp-linux to Win2k???

Jamin Collins JaminC at adapt-tele.com
Fri Jul 13 07:06:45 CDT 2001

Neale Banks [mailto:neale at lowendale.com.au] wrote:
> The Win2k server logs that my account is not authorised for 
> remote access (or words to that effect) - which is 
> consistent with MSKB Q266460 (but I'm pretty sure the issue 
> there is not the problem as others can pptp in to
> that server).

Just because other's can pptp into the server, does not mean that your user
account has been granted the necessary priveleges to do so also.  That is of
course unless someone else has successfully used the account in question to
establish a pptp connection.

> The MS-admins are concerned that I should explicitly specify 
> the domain I'm trying to authenticate to (which I find "odd", 
> seeing as the server appears to have found me) - but 
> specifying domain\user didn't help.

This could all depend on the manner in which it "found" you.  If all the
logs are indicating is that someone attempted to connect as user "Y" that
does not mean that the system drew the correlation between "Y" and "X\Y".
However, you did meantion that the error message changed when the password
was incorrect.  This  leads me to believe that the system is truly finding
your user and the problem is most likely with your user permission on the
Windows side.

Jamin W. Collins

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