[pptp-server] Off Subject: WinME -> WinNT

Cowles, Steve Steve at SteveCowles.com
Sun May 6 16:39:27 CDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Kreger [mailto:lists at earthling.2y.net]
> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 1:29 PM
> To: Eastep, Tom
> Cc: pptp-server at lists.schulte.org
> Subject: Re: [pptp-server] Off Subject: WinME -> WinNT
> Now this is funky, Win2k clients also wont talk to the NT4
> server... (well, it connects, you get a error 781 or, your 
> authenticated, but then it drops you)... this is getting
> really annoying.
> Justin Kreger, MCP MCSE CCNA
> jkreger at earthling.2y.net jwkreger at uncg.edu


I hope I'm understanding your post correctly, but... I have had no such
problems with NT4 (sp6) based PPTP servers. In fact, most of my customers
are running NT4 PPTP servers behind a firewall (linux or other). I connect
into them all the time to administer them from behind my firewall or as a
road warrior with my laptop. FWIW: My desktop is running W2K and my laptop
is running WinME.

Also, I have seen the problem you mentioned earlier about the "no valid
cert" error when using my W2K system. To be honest, this is a really strange
error. In fact, I have no idea why this is happening, but I have found that
if I logout and then log back in (w2k), then re-establish the VPN, I do not
get this error anymore. Odd!!!

Steve Cowles

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