[pptp-server] tar zxvf pptpd-1.0.1.tar.gz not working - HELP

Kim Armann kim at armann.de
Thu May 31 09:13:29 CDT 2001


it seems that your achive was corrupted during the download.
Either you try again to download the file and/or downlod pptpd-1.1.2
Tipp: in mc (midnight commander) you can "execute" the zipped file by
marking it and hitting enter (the file must not be executable)
mc enters the file and you see the filesystem-structre within the file.

regards kim

James D Green wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry about this I'm quite new to linux, this is the
> first time I've tryed to uncompress a file.
> I have just downloaded the pptpd-1.0.1.tar.gz, I then
> used the command
> >tar zxvf pptpd-1.0.1.tar.gz
> as stated in the how to
> (http://home.swbell.net/berzerke/2.4_Kernel_PPTPD-HOWTO.txt)
> and this is what happens.
> Waterfall:/usr/local/src # tar zxvf pptpd-1.0.1.tar.gz
> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
> tar: Child returned status 1
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
> Waterfall:/usr/local/src #
> I have no idea what to do, I'm doing what it says in
> the how to but it dosn't work.
> Thanks to anyone that can/will help.
> Jim
> PS. If it helps I'm using Suse7.1 with the 2.4 kernel.

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