[pptp-server] display problem

Tom Canich tcanich at geosc.psu.edu
Tue Sep 18 08:22:21 CDT 2001

Hi murali,

I've copied the list, just in case there are others out there with this
question. This is probably better asked in comp.protocols.ssh or
comp.os.linux.x, but...

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Murali K. Vemuri wrote:


> when PPTP client is also a LINUX box, after establishing the PPTP
> connection between the client and the VPN server, i tried to initiate a
> SSH Session between the PPTP client and the other LINUX host somewhere
> in the LAN. I could make the connection. but, when i tried to open the
> display, the LINUX host is not able to forward the X session to the
> client. The session is getting opened on the server itself.

Without more details (such as your configuration files, etc) I will wager
that X11Forwarding is disabled in your /etc/ssh_config and/or
/etc/sshd_config (location varies) on the client and/or server.  You may
also supply the appropriate argument when making the connection to enable
X11Forwarding for the client (assuming it is already enabled for the

hopefully that does the trick.


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