[pptp-server] Updated documentation/FAQ's?

Charlie Brady charlieb at e-smith.com
Thu Sep 27 10:54:52 CDT 2001

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Gill, Vern wrote:

> You can get all the patches for kernel/ppp-2.4.x at
> http://linus.dns2go.com and click the PPP link

That doesn't seem to be true. I get a connection refused error. That would
seem to apply that your dns2go is not up to date, or you are not running a
web server, or your ISP is blocking port 80.

Charlie Brady                         charlieb at e-smith.com
Lead Product Developer
Network Server Solutions Group        http://www.e-smith.com/
Mitel Networks Corporation            http://www.mitel.com/
Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739

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