[pptp-server] Windows XP and PPTP

Charlie Brady charlieb at e-smith.com
Thu Jan 24 11:51:40 CST 2002

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Michael Barsalou wrote:

> Josh,
> that seems to have done it.  I found the route thing too...it is in the 
> advanced button of the tcp/ip properties of the VPN icon. (not the 
> dial-up Icon).
> So why does turning off compression make things work?

Because PoPToP doesn't handle the compression protocol, which is a 
patented protocol (LSZ, ex STAC, now something else). If your client 
insists on using compression, then PoPToP has no option but to say no.

Charlie Brady                         charlieb at e-smith.com
Lead Product Developer
Network Server Solutions Group        http://www.e-smith.com/
Mitel Networks Corporation            http://www.mitel.com/
Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739

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