[pptp-server] Linux client to PPTP server (kernel > 2.4.10) success

Jari Ahonen jah at progress.com
Fri Jan 25 13:03:43 CST 2002

poptop at kaiserdigital.com wrote:
> I've been trying to install PPTPD on Redhat 7.1 but I've been having
> some problems.
> You mentioned an MPPE patch. How did you apply this? What was the
> command you executed?

You need the MPPE patch for encryption. But you don't need it
to run PPTPD. Of course you can only get unencrypted connections
without it.

The patch is available from http://mirror.binarix.com/ppp-mppe/
There are also precompiled kernel RPMs if you don't feel like
rebuilding your kernel yourself.

The whole process goes something like this:
- Get kernel sources.
- Get pppd sources.
- Get pptpd sources.
- Get the MPPE patch for both kernel and pppd.
- Patch kernel source with MPPE kernel patch and build it.
- Reboot with the new kernel.
- Patch pppd source with the MPPE pppd patch and build it.
- Replace system pppd with the one you built.
- Read pppd manual page for appropriate parameters and
  add them to your pppd options file.
- Build and install pptpd. Config file template is included with
  the sources, edit it to suit your needs.
- Start pptpd and try connecting.

There is a FAQ for all this somewhere... Link can be found from
the PoPToP home page.

- jah

| Jari Ahonen               | Progress Software Europe           |
| jah at progress.com          | Schorpioenstraat 67                |
| Tel: +31-10-2865 700      | 3067 GG Rotterdam                  |
| Fax: +31-10-2865 225      | The Netherlands                    |
|       "Once you've made the commitment to recreation,          |
|                 there is no turning back."                     |

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