[pptp-server] Is encryption of PPP with MPPE sufficient to encrypt PPTP?

Ronald L Fox rfox at aloha.com
Wed Jun 9 06:23:29 CDT 1999


According to the TODO list, encryption of PPTP is one of the
remaining tasks.  To guarantee interoperability with Microsoft clients
and servers, you have to play by Microsoft's rules which means
supporting MPPE (Microsoft Point to Point Encryption).  I've looked
at the specification of MPPE as found at the IETF's Point to Point
Extensions Working Group's charter page at:


and the work by Árpád Magosányi (author of the Linux VPN mini howto)
to add MPPE to PPP 2.3.0 as found at:


Is it an over-simplification to say that patching pppd to include
MPPE in this fashion would accomplish adding encryption to PPTP that
is as good as Microsoft's and that will work with Microsoft clients
and servers?

Ronald L Fox                        Email: rfox at dls.queens.org
Diagnostic Laboratory Services      Phone: (808) 589-5172
Honolulu, Hawaii                    FAX:   (808) 593-8357

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