[pptp-server] How to setup a Win NT4 VPN client?

Stephan Fehrenbach stephan.fehrenbach at modulo3.de
Wed Aug 9 03:51:11 CDT 2000


i try to setup a Windows NT4 VPN Client.
I have installed the Point to Point Tunneling Protokoll.
My manual says I should create a new dial-up phonebook entry and should
select the VPN Adapter as device.
But I dont have a VPN Adapter, just the Network-Adapter und a ISDN-Adapter.

How can I create a VPN Adapter?

I want to connect to my poptop vpn-server as first test via lan.

Does anybody know how to do this?

Stephan Fehrenbach
modulo3 gmbh                        fon    0211 - 876720-00
Stephan Fehrenbach                  fax    0211 - 876720-27
Karl-Rudolf-Straße 172              e-mail stephan.fehrenbach at modulo3.de
D-40215 Düsseldorf                  web    http://www.modulo3.de

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