[pptp-server] What am I missing

michael_scholl at ctsius.com michael_scholl at ctsius.com
Thu Aug 17 13:01:00 CDT 2000

I am running Red Hat 6.2 with kernel 2.2.16-12 with the pptp patch applied I
have followed all the instructions in JHardins directions

I have done the following Linux Firewall with NT Server running RAS and
PPTP, trying to connect with a win 98 client with the connection manager

#Port Forwarding 
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L externalip 1723 -R internalip  1723

I've checked the ipmasqadm portfw -L the forwarding is in place

# GRE forwarding
ipfwd --masq pptpserver internal ip 47 &

# Firewall Input Rules
ipchains -A input -p 47 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s 1723 -d

# Firewall Output rules
ipchains -A output -p 47 -j ACCECT
ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s -d 1723

# Firewall Masquarding rules
ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -p tcp -s -d 1723
ipchains -A forward -p 47 -j MASQ

To me everything looks right

I checked my messages log I see the following messages

Aug 17 08:24:26 firewall kernel: ip_masq_gre(): creating GRE masq for
(Internal PPTP server) ---> (remote IP address) CID-0 MCID=6FC4

followed shortly by

Aug 17 08:25:10 firewall kernel: ip_demasq_gre: (remote ip) --> (internal
PPTP server) CID=0 mo masq table, discarding

Help Please.

Best Regards,

Michael Scholl
Moving the world

CTSI-Los Angeles
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Email: michael_scholl at ctsius.com

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