[pptp-server] Poptop and port 47

S.Ecker emmet___ at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 31 09:18:52 CDT 2000

It's protocol 47 (GRE) which you have to forward (not
port 47).

--- kim oppalfens <kimoppalfens at freegates.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running poptop versie 0.9.1 on a Linux Router
> Project based pc.
> The problem I have is when I try to connect from the
> outside, a pc connected
> to the internet somewhere, I cannot connect. (He
> stops during the verify
> username
> and password.) If I do the same from my internal net
> I can connect without
> any problem.
> In my firewall rules I let 1723 and 47 through the
> firewall.
> Which brings me to the probable cause of my problem.
> My isp is blocking alot of ports under the 1024
> boundary.
> These ports are denied for anyone not coming from my
> isp's network.
> So the 47 port is probably locked.
> Can anyone tell me what this port 47 is for?
> And if there is anyway to change the port to
> something above the 1024
> boundary.
> If so what should I do to tell the windows vpn
> clients to use the other
> port?
> Tnx in advance
> Kim Oppalfens
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