[pptp-server] *fixed* Unresolved symbol RC4_set_key

Iain Cox icox at pinc.com
Thu Jun 22 21:39:12 CDT 2000

Hi all,

I got around the unresolved symbol error (from my post yesterday- check
it out for the details) that I was getting in ppp_mppe when trying to
connect clients using encryption. I ditched ppp-2.3.10 and SSLeay-0.9.0b
and grabbed the ppp2.3.11 tarball and applied the
ppp-2.3.11-openssl-0.9.5-mppe.patch available from
pptp stays untouched...it was working fine!

It went something like this...you may need to adjust.

tar xvzf ppp-2.3.11.tar.gz
cd ppp-2.3.11
patch -p1 < ppp-2.3.11-openssl-0.9.5-mppe.patch
make kernel
make install

cd /usr/src/linux/
make modules SUBDIRS=drivers/net
make modules_install

Make sure your /etc/ppp/options file is setup correctly to use
encryption, check the client to make sure it is configured properly,
then try the connection again.

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