[pptp-server] pptp masquerade document needed for 2.4.x based firewal

Tom Eastep teastep at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Mon Jul 16 21:26:11 CDT 2001

On Monday 16 July 2001 06:56 pm, Craig Morris wrote:
> The only document I've found that really mentions 2.4.x is the
> following:
> ftp://ftp.rubyriver.com/pub/jhardin/masquerade/ip_masq_vpn.html

John is _the_ expert on this subject.

> Unfortunately, the modules listed failed to load on my system (RH7.1
> running 2.4.3-12).

Reports that "it doesn't work" don't give us much to go on. I've been 
masquerading a pptp client through a 2.4 kernel firewall since early this 
year so it _does_ work.

Tom Eastep          \  tom at seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
ICQ #60745924        \ http://seattlefirewall.dyndns.org
Shoreline, Washington \__________________________________________

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