FW: [pptp-server] PPTP not allowing anything but ICMP packets int o the internal lan

Eric Ng eng at starmine.com
Thu Jul 19 15:03:30 CDT 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Larose [mailto:matty at superjuice.dhs.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 12:42 PM
To: Eric Ng
Subject: RE: [pptp-server] PPTP not allowing anything but ICMP packets
int o the internal lan

It's a Rebel.com NetWinder 3100, running their Linux OS, from what I can 
tell its based on redhat 6.  Its running 2.4-2 and ipchains. version 1.01 of

poptop.  Its got VPN on it but the licensing is really expensive.

Eric Ng <eng at starmine.com> said:

> Matt,
> 	Can you post more info for the group, like what version of redhat,
> kernel, poptop, firewall (ipchains or iptables)... etc.  it would help us
> diagnose your problem.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Larose [mailto:matty at superjuice.dhs.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 11:27 PM
> To: pptp-server at lists.schulte.org
> Subject: [pptp-server] PPTP not allowing anything but ICMP packets into
> the internal lan
> Howdy ladies and gents.
>    I've got a small problem with pptp I can get users to connect without 
> issue, the probeles is I cant seem to get any traffic to the VPN server 
> into the network except for ICMP packets (ping & traceroute).  Does anyone

> have any idea what may be causeing this ?.
> Thanks a bunch.
> -- 
> Matt Larose,
> http://www.superjuice.dhs.org
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Matt Larose,
Co-Chief Monkey,

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