[pptp-server] PopTop 1.1.2 + pppd 2.4.1 + Linux 2.4.5 + WinNT 4.0 ;-((

Alexander V Alekseev alex at ra.zapad.msk.ru
Fri Jul 27 04:36:21 CDT 2001


	I'm trying to make pptp connection between
linux (as pptp server), and NT (as client) over 10baseT.
Everything works fine, but data transfer speed doesn't
go over 115200 baud, though I set 'speed 921600' in
pptpd.conf .
	I tried to add some debug information in pppd
and pptpd sources, but everything seems to be ok.
(speed is set to 921600, and kernel reports, that it is).
	The most strange is that NT send packets at
full rate (10 Mb), and linux gets all of them. But Linux
sends packets only at 115200 baud. There is no packet loss.

	Can anyone help ?

		Bye. Alex.

Alexander V Alekseev, AVA37-RIPN

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