[pptp-server] High-Uptime with pptpd 1.0.1

Charlie Brady charlieb at e-smith.com
Tue May 29 22:35:56 CDT 2001

On Wed, 30 May 2001, George Vieira wrote:

> Upgrade to 1.1.2 and most of your problems will dissapear......... only to
> get new problems hee hee ;-)

Is there a list of these "new problems" somewhere?

  Charlie Brady                         charlieb at e-smith.com
  http://www.e-smith.org (development)  http://www.e-smith.com (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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