[pptp-server] Error 742 - the answer.. which brings new quest ions

George Vieira GeorgeV at citadelcomputer.com.au
Tue Sep 4 17:24:57 CDT 2001

I found those unsupported errors were usually things like NetBEUI, IPX/SPX
and other protocols trying to run over PPP... try switching them off if not
already and see if they appear less often or not at all...

How do you mean by "outside network"? Are you talking about the PPTP LAN
machines? Are you using proxyarp etc.etc? 

George Vieira
Network Engineer
Citadel Computer Systems P/L
PH +(61)2 9955 2644
FX +(61)2 9955 2659

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Polonsky [mailto:apl at informatik.uni-rostock.de]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 8:45 PM
To: pptp-server at lists.schulte.org
Subject: [pptp-server] Error 742 - the answer.. which brings new

    Hi all!
    I got rid of this black fortune - error 742 - by reinstalling the 
    PPTP adapter and RAS service in NT. Now PPTP connection seems to 
    work... but only seems.
    TCP/IP level is completely down. No machine in the outside network 
    answer pings. When I look in the pppd log file, it shows a lot of  
    messages "unsupported protocol xxxxxx received". Look here:
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x2576] 83 44 5f 9f 
    81 5d 31 ca 61 05 80 92 d8 ad 38 4e 5a 72 6d e3 1b 32 e3 bc dd 75 0c 
    8d 05 b5 cb 2f ...
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x2576 received
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x14 25 76 
    83 44 5f 9f  81 5d 31 ca 61 05 80 92 d8 ad 38 4e 5a 72 6d e3 1b 32 
    e3 bc dd 75 0c 8d 05 b5  cb 2f 85 eb e4 24 5f 2d fe 56 36 b4 d5 ff 
    9b 5d db bb d0 ea]
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x8ee1] 62 e2 3f 0b 
    5c d7 66 15 82 63 f5 08 84 88 5a 7a b6 48 76 6e 40 ca ea b9 7d 2a 1d 
    be 4f 30 98 97 ...
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x8ee1 received
    Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x15 8e e1 
    62 e2 3f 0b  5c d7 66 15 82 63 f5 08 84 88 5a 7a b6 48 76 6e 40 ca 
    ea b9 7d 2a 1d be 4f 30  98 97 52 50 7d 5d 00 5e bd 80 24 69 54 22 
    98 71 39 d4 3c d2]
    Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x1ca1] 89 93 d7 1f 
    8f b8 9e 01  3f c0 40 40 6d a3 ac 14 dc 36 1b a3 1f 21 6f 56 39 e0 
    e6 d0 4e 13 26 19 ...
    Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x1ca1 received
    Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x16 1c a1 
    89 93 d7 1f  8f b8 9e 01 3f c0 40 40 6d a3 ac 14 dc 36 1b a3 1f 21 
    6f 56 39 e0 e6 d0 4e 13  26 19 d8 3f 1d 33 61 4d 9d 5e 0d 99 04 8c 
    26 cd 1b 02 f1 e8]
    Have anybody faced this? Any solutions or ideas?

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