[pptp-server] Error 742 - the answer.. which brings new questions

Vajahat Khan vajahat.khan at ao.kwe.com
Tue Sep 4 23:18:59 CDT 2001

Install a latest service pack on NT
Sp5 or Sp6 it will solve the problem.

cheers :)

Michael Walter wrote:

> I have seen a similar issue on the 2.4.9 kernel with the latest pptpd, I
> actually still have the issue, but have more information on it.  For some
> reason, even if 40bit encryption has been explicitly disabled in the options
> file, pptpd will still allow a 40bit encrypted host to connect.  But nothing
> works, the tunnel comes up but delivers no traffic.  However, if you update
> the encryption level of your client to the one supported by the pptpd
> daemon, things work fine.  This may or may not be your problem, but I was
> getting similar error messages.
> Thanks,
> Michael J. Walter
> rhce mcdba mcse+i ccna cca a+
> Network Administrator
> Gliatech, Inc.
> 23420 Commerce Park Rd.
> Beachwood, Ohio 44122
> Tel: (216) 831-3200
> Email: walterm at gliatech.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Polonsky [mailto:apl at informatik.uni-rostock.de]
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 6:45 AM
> To: pptp-server at lists.schulte.org
> Subject: [pptp-server] Error 742 - the answer.. which brings new questions
>     Hi all!
>     I got rid of this black fortune - error 742 - by reinstalling the
>     PPTP adapter and RAS service in NT. Now PPTP connection seems to
>     work... but only seems.
>     TCP/IP level is completely down. No machine in the outside network
>     answer pings. When I look in the pppd log file, it shows a lot of
>     messages "unsupported protocol xxxxxx received". Look here:
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x2576] 83 44 5f 9f
>     81 5d 31 ca 61 05 80 92 d8 ad 38 4e 5a 72 6d e3 1b 32 e3 bc dd 75 0c
>     8d 05 b5 cb 2f ...
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x2576 received
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x14 25 76
>     83 44 5f 9f  81 5d 31 ca 61 05 80 92 d8 ad 38 4e 5a 72 6d e3 1b 32
>     e3 bc dd 75 0c 8d 05 b5  cb 2f 85 eb e4 24 5f 2d fe 56 36 b4 d5 ff
>     9b 5d db bb d0 ea]
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x8ee1] 62 e2 3f 0b
>     5c d7 66 15 82 63 f5 08 84 88 5a 7a b6 48 76 6e 40 ca ea b9 7d 2a 1d
>     be 4f 30 98 97 ...
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x8ee1 received
>     Aug 30 14:44:25 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x15 8e e1
>     62 e2 3f 0b  5c d7 66 15 82 63 f5 08 84 88 5a 7a b6 48 76 6e 40 ca
>     ea b9 7d 2a 1d be 4f 30  98 97 52 50 7d 5d 00 5e bd 80 24 69 54 22
>     98 71 39 d4 3c d2]
>     Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: rcvd [proto=0x1ca1] 89 93 d7 1f
>     8f b8 9e 01  3f c0 40 40 6d a3 ac 14 dc 36 1b a3 1f 21 6f 56 39 e0
>     e6 d0 4e 13 26 19 ...
>     Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: Unsupported protocol 0x1ca1 received
>     Aug 30 14:44:29 nebel pppd[12977]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x16 1c a1
>     89 93 d7 1f  8f b8 9e 01 3f c0 40 40 6d a3 ac 14 dc 36 1b a3 1f 21
>     6f 56 39 e0 e6 d0 4e 13  26 19 d8 3f 1d 33 61 4d 9d 5e 0d 99 04 8c
>     26 cd 1b 02 f1 e8]
>     Have anybody faced this? Any solutions or ideas?
>     Alexander
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