[pptp-server] Allowing to access the lan.

Allan Clark allanc at caldera.com
Fri Sep 14 13:07:36 CDT 2001


I think we've had problems in the past dealing with MSNetworking over a
PPTP connection.  I think it has to do with MSNewtworking defaulting to
broadcasting for all resources... unless that was restricted to NetBEUI.

In addressing what you want to work 

> ... all lan1 and
> lan2 resources ...

What *are* those resources?  ftp, http, smtp, pop, imap, ssh, shttp all
seem to work just fine.  If you're having problems with WIndows name
resolution, you might want to configure your PPTP clients to use DNS for
resolution as a fallback; then, if a host isn't found (ie if
\\PRINTER\laser4 refers to lrp laser4 at printer.lineo.com) "PRINTER" might
be resolved as "printer.lineo.com" and enable you to see/use its

Does that address the services you're looking for?  It's difficult to
answer the question when we're assuming what services you need.

(pptp lurker)

Dmitri Gofmekler wrote:
> Hello all,
> Probably you can help :)
> Situation:
> Server, that running pptpd (poptop.lineo.com), address is (this
> server does not plays any routing or masquerading role).
> 2 local networks: Lan1 - & Lan2 -, lan1
> router -, lan2->lan1 router, lan 2 def. route -
> Lan 1 connected to internet thru lan2.
> -- cut from /etc/pptpd.conf --
> remote ip
> local ip
> Client, Windows NT 4.0.
> -- end of cut --
> Question:
> What exactly I have to do to get PPTP client ability to use all lan1 and
> lan2 resources, includes MS Network over TCP/IP and also to allow client to
> go to the Internet thri it's vpn connection? Can someone give me explained
> configuration?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dmitri.
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