[pptp-server] Frustration gone!

Örjan Johansson orjan at whyevenbother.com
Fri Mar 22 15:58:18 CST 2002

Hi all!

Redhat 7.2, poptop server - Win client setup.

After patching, re-compiling, testing, swearing, re-patching, crying,
kicking and screaming I've got everything working great. Since my
problem wasn't one, but several, it made it pretty hard to troubleshoot.

I just wanted to say a big THANX! to all you fantastic people on this
list for all the assistance. Quick answers, and all of them insightful
and relevant - my setup would not work today if it wasn't for the
'love-all help-all' attitude of the Linux community - I just hope I can
help some people with their problems too!


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