[pptp-server] error 678

Jean-Paul Chavant chavant at geosys.fr
Thu Sep 28 08:57:30 CDT 2000

i have found one possible error ... i forget to specify a default route ...

|     -----Original Message-----
|     From: Yvo Boudenoodt [mailto:yvo at boudenoodt.com]
|     Sent: jeudi 28 septembre 2000 15:52
|     To: 'chavant at geosys.fr'; Pptp
|     Subject: RE: [pptp-server] error 678
|     probably your provider is filtering one or more ports needed for ppp
|     -----Original Message-----
|     From: Jean-Paul Chavant [mailto:chavant at geosys.fr]
|     Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 10:14 AM
|     To: Pptp
|     Subject: [pptp-server] error 678
|     hello,
|     i have a Linux PPTP Server installed.
|     When I connect to my server with my client2 from my Public 
|     LAN there is no
|     problem.
|     When I connect to my server with my client1 from my ISP 
|     access i got the
|     error 678.
|     All connection (modem) and configuration (IP address, ...) of 
|     the client1
|     are good.
|     When I connect to my server with my client3 with direct 
|     access to internet
|     (LS / ADSL) i got the error 629. On my log a can see a 
|     request from client3
|     to my VPN server on port 1723.
|                                             (Public LAN)
|     [client1]---(ISP)----(internet)----[router]------[PPTP 
|     Server]----(Private
|     LAN)
|                               |                    |
|                               |                [client2]
|                               |
|                           (client3)
|     chap-secrets is the same for the 3 tests ...
|     What is happening ?
|     JPaul

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