[pptp-server] routing

Kenny Austin kennya at carlislefsp.com
Thu Sep 28 11:17:22 CDT 2000

As Christ Carella said, make sure that /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is
set to 1.  Redhat also has a value for forwarding in another file,
something like /etc/sysconf/network that needs to be set to 1.
Anyways, what is probably the really problem is that your
networks doesn't know the route to your (vpn) network.
The ping is probably getting to the intranet, it is just that they
try sending the reply back through their default gateway, which is
more then likely off ot the internet or some other places that has no
clue where is.  The best way to fix this would be to add
a route statement to your default router that says the network is accessible via
Or, if i understand proxyarp correctly, you could assign your vpn
clients addresses on the same subnet as your intranet, and with proxyarp
on, the vpn server would proxy the vpn clients arp address/ip address to
itself, thus receiving the packets itself and passing them on to the correct
vpn client... if you go with the first suggest (what you are doing now/what
i prefer myself), which is having all of the vpn clients on their own
you can disable the proxyarp option.
I hope i have actually be helpful, let me know if there is anything else i
can do.
Kenny Austin
kennya at carlislefsp.com

-----Original Message-----
From: pptp-server-admin at lists.schulte.org
[mailto:pptp-server-admin at lists.schulte.org]On Behalf Of Adam Lang
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 9:37 AM
To: Pptp
Subject: [pptp-server] routing

I'm still stuck on a problem from earlier.  I really have no idea left on
how to fix it and I have read the FAQs.

I have an internal network of  I have a PPTP server at address

It is connected to the Internet at address

The local ip for the PPTP server for the tunnel is  It hands
out the address of for the remote client.

The remote client connects to the PPTP server fine and can ping upto

How do I get the remote client to ping another server on the

Also, I do have "proxyarp" in the options file.

If I can't get this in the next day or so, I'm just going to drop it and
look to use something else.

Adam Lang
Systems Engineer
Rutgers Casualty Insurance Company

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